Rules for SysAdmins - Keep Systems and Monitoring Seperate

There are a number of good practices to follow when setting up and maintaining systems. Some of these rules are obvious and some not so obvious. One of these rules is to make sure your monitoring tools have no dependency on the thing being monitored. While this may seem obvious, lots of organizations still make this mistake. Sometimes it’s not even clear to them that they’ve created such a dependency. Microsoft ran into this very issue last week during an Azure outage situation. As Mary Jo Foley reported in her All About Microsoft Column, the dashboards used by Microsoft to alert customers about the outage were behind the same authentication system that was having issues. If a company with the size and resources of Microsoft can miss this, then so can the average operations, DevOps, and SRE Teams supporting applications.

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Podcast Appearance! - The On-Premise IT Roundtable

I’m still getting used to this whole podcast thing, but I appeared on one recently. I had the immense honor of sharing a panel with some fellow Tech Field Day delegates as we discussed the future of Microsoft Windows.

I’ve embedded the video below. I’ve also included a link to the audio.

I recommend going to the Gestalt IT On-Premise website to check out so many more awesome conversations